4 Fun Facts About Star Trek

4 Fun Facts About Star Trek

2 minute read

We LOVE Star Trek. There’s nothing better than getting your geek on and binging Star Trek movies and shows, from The Original Series to Picard.

In honor of one of our most beloved sci-fi stories, we’ve collected four of our favorite bits of Trekkie Trivia. Set to warp speed and let’s go!


Spock was supposed to be red.

Can you imagine a red Spock? In the original TV series, Gene Roddenberry initially imagined Spock with his characteristic high eyebrows, tapered ears, and red skin. But the plan fell through when upon doing a screen test, the red showed up as jet black on the black-and-white TVs.


Star Trek predicted a lot of modern tech.

A quick glance at the old series and you’ll see that a lot of Star Trek tech be came reality. For example, the earpieces that Spock and Uhura wore are basically Bluetooth devices. Communicators are almost just like modern cellphones. NASA uses the LOCAD-PTS, a portable biological lab that is basically just like the tricorders. And interactive video screens? Video conferencing! Maybe interstellar space travel is closer than we think.


Stephen Hawking was the only person who played himself on Star Trek.

In the episode “Descent,” Data, Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, and Stephen Hawking play poker. Of course, Newton’s a total buzzkill, and Stephen Hawking was his funny, charming self. Total legend.


The first Klingon words were invented by James Doohan

Yes, that James Doohan who played chief engineer Scotty. The first Klingon words uttered on screen were, “Wly cha’! HaSta! Cha ylghuS! ‘eH... baH!" meaning "Tactical! Visual! Stand by on torpedoes! Ready... Fire!” Later, linguist Marc Okrand beefed up the Klingon language by making it a real language. It is now the most widely spoken fictional language in the world. Take that, Elvish.

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