Fun Facts About Foxes

Fun Facts About Foxes

1 minute read

As our pick for the animal of this month, we're sharing our favorite fun facts about foxes.


So, what does the fox say? 

Actually, it makes over 40 different sounds, so a lot! Here are some other awesome facts about foxes, the wily fox, our animal for this month.


1. They’re actually quite smelly! With glands at the base of their tail, they have a sickly, musky scent.


2. Did you know foxes have great hearing? Supposedly the red fox can hear a watch ticking from 40 yards away!

Photo: Fylgja Fox Triquetra Necklace


3. They love to play.  They’re super cheeky and will steal anything, like golf balls.
4. They’re solitary creatures, unless they’re raising young in their underground dens.


Photo: Geometric Fox Ring & Necklace


5. Foxes are more like cats than dogs with feline-like movement, and visibility in dim light, they use their whiskers to navigate and can retract their claws.


We’ve got a range of super cute fox jewelry and accessories in the hoard, take a look!


Lucky Fox Necklace

Lucky Fox Necklace


In Japanese folklore, foxes are regarded as clever and magical animals who are also messengers for the gods. They are considered to be familiar spirits serving the rice deity Inari, who oversees the harvests.Foxes near rice paddies were seen as… SEE MORE

Geometric Baby Fox Necklace

Geometric Baby Fox Necklace

$19.99 $23.99

Minimalist and elegant, this adorable baby fox necklace is the perfect addition to any jewelry box!  Made with hypoallergenic, water- and tarnish-resistant high quality stainless steel.  Material: 316L Stainless Steel Pendant Size: 3.6 x 2.6 cm (1.2" x 1.0") Chain Length: 52.5 cm (20.6")… SEE MORE

Yin Yang Fox Couple Necklaces

Yin Yang Fox Couple Necklaces

$29.99 $37.99

While foxes are often seen as symbols of lighthearted mischief, they are also intensely loyal to each other.  Reflect the passionate, fun and energetic nature of your relationship with this fox necklace! Each engraved on one half of a yin and… SEE MORE

Sleeping Fox Minimalist Necklace

Sleeping Fox Minimalist Necklace

$14.99 $19.99

Minimalist and elegant, this dreamy sleepy fox necklace is the perfect addition to your jewelry box!  Made with hypoallergenic, water- and tarnish-resistant high quality stainless steel.  Material: 316L Stainless SteelPendant Size: 3.0 x 2.6 cm (1.1" x 1.0") Chain Length: 45.0 + 5.0 cm… SEE MORE

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