Tarot Cards: The Major Arcana (Part 1)

Tarot Cards: The Major Arcana (Part 1)

3 minute read

Have you ever had a Tarot reading? 

Over the next few weeks we’ll be taking a deep dive into some of the most iconic cards in the mystical Tarot deck.


What exactly are Tarot cards?

Originally created as game-playing cards over 500 years ago, the Tarot has been used by occultists for cartomancy (a fancy word for fortune-telling using cards) since the late 18th century.

The deck is divided into two sections: the Minor Arcana and Major Arcana. The Minor Arcana looks a bit like a modern deck of playing cards, with numbered and face cards in four suits. In a Tarot reading, each of these cards carries deep symbolic meaning. 

But perhaps the best known cards in the Tarot deck are a separate set of 22 cards known as the Major Arcana. These iconic cards represent universal human experiences, like life and death, love, rebellion, and disaster. 

In this week’s blog, we’ll be looking at the first five cards of the Major Arcana.


The Fool 

Often misunderstood or dismissed as silly or frivolous, the Fool is one of the most important symbols in the Tarot.

Fool represents purity, innocence, and new beginnings. It may indicate a personal  journey is about to start — one with challenging and potentially risky decisions to be made along the way.

If your Tarot reading includes this card, consider it a friendly reminder to stay in the present and keep an open mind and hopeful heart. 


The Magician

The Magician represents creation, possibility, potential, and the manifestation of thoughts and dreams into reality. It is a starting point of all endeavors and events to come.

Drawing the Magician indicates that with enough hard work and imagination, you will realize your desires and achieve your goals.


The High Priestess

Although this card personifies divine female intuition, it is universal to all genders. The High Priestess rules over emotions, secret knowledge, and psychic ability. 

She encourages you to see through deceit and trust your intuition. When this card appears, it is a sign that you should pause and meditate on any important decisions before you proceed.


The Empress

Fertility, beauty, abundance, family, and sex — these traditionally feminine powers are the domain of the Empress.  She also represents self-care, and reminds you to make time for yourself. 

This card is generally considered to be a particularly positive one, which indicates well-being and good fortune. 


The Emperor

Yin to the Empress’s yang, the Emperor represents traditionally male ()but equally universal) concepts of patriarchy, protection, material power, structure, and the rule of law. 

The Emperor is usually seen as a neutral card, but when it appears in a reading it is typically a good sign. If you are beginning a new project or starting a relationship, the Emperor suggests you take your time and focus on getting all of the details right. 


This is just the beginning!

An experienced Tarot reader can use the cards you draw to help you understand your own journey and the forces that shape your life. 


The first five cards of the Major Arcana are just the tip of the iceberg… Stay tuned for more in this series!

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