When was the last time you balanced your chakras?
According to Yogic tradition, these “energy centers” are located within our astral body — an invisible layer of energy that surrounds each of us.
Each of the seven chakras corresponds to a particular area of the physical body:
Why do I need to balance my chakras?
Tradition teaches that chakras must remain open and in alignment in order to achieve optimal emotional and physical well-being.
When a chakra is “blocked,” your energy becomes stagnant, resulting in physical, mental, or emotional imbalance.
How can I balance them?
There are many ways to open and balance your chakras, including crystals, candles, and rhythmic chants.
Chief among these techniques is physical yoga practice, or asana.
Here are some basic yoga poses that can help bring balance to each of the seven chakras.
Vrksasana (Tree Pose) for Root Chakra
This foundational chakra controls feelings of stability, security, and groundedness.
While in a standing position, place your weight fully onto one foot. Remaining stable, raise your other foot to your ankle, calf, or inner thigh. Stand upright with your hands on your heart or lifted toward the sky.

Malasana (Garland Pose) for Sacral Chakra
This chakra corresponds to your sexual organs and represents creativity, emotional well-being, and positivity.
To perform the Garland Pose, squat deeply with your knees apart and your back straight. It can take a little practice to get the hang of this, so you might want to first try leaning against a wall or using a yoga block for stability.
Paripurna Navasana (Boat Pose) for Navel Chakra
Balancing your solar plexus can help build self-esteem and confidence, helping you take action and improve productivity.
From a seated position, lean back while lifting your legs. Engage your core to hold this position. Bend your knees or rest your heels on the floor; whichever you find more comfortable.
Ustrasana (Camel Pose) for Heart Chakra
Joy, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance. These are just a few of the emotions governed by the heart chakra, your body’s love center.
You may need to work your way up to this back-bending pose, which begins from a kneeling position. It takes practice to comfortably curve your back enough to reach your heels.
Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulder Stand) for Throat Chakra
An open throat chakra can help you communicate better, both as a speaker and as a listener.
Support your hips with your hands while placing your weight on your shoulders and upper arms. Point your toes and reach for the sky.
Sukhasana (Easy Pose) for Third-Eye Chakra
This center of intuition and understanding can help you learn to trust your instincts and accept wisdom from the world around you.
Keep your body centered and symmetrical, with your spine lengthened and your head aligned over your hips. As you close your eyes, focus your attention on the space between them — your third eye.
Savasana (Corpse Pose) for Crown Chakra
The uppermost of the seven chakras connects you to the spiritual realm. It reminds you that you are more than simply a physical being.
This most relaxing pose is designed to help you slow down, lower stress, and regulate your nervous system. Use pillows, blankets, or whatever else will help you remain comfortable and calm.
Remember, yoga is a practice that takes a lifetime to master — so don’t expect perfection right away (and cut yourself some slack if it takes a little time).
Every step you take is one step closer to achieving balance in your seven chakras.
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