Tarot Cards: The Major Arcana (Part 5)

Tarot Cards: The Major Arcana (Part 5)

3 minute read

Welcome back, Hoarders! 

This is the fifth and final chapter in our series about the cards of the Tarot’s Major Arcana. You can catch up on the previous installments here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

This week we’ll finish off the set with the 19th through 22nd cards of the Major Arcana. Without further ado…


The Moon

This card indicates emotional vulnerability and an understanding of how past experience impacts the present and the future. The Moon often signifies unresolved trauma that still has the power to cause problems for you today. 

It also may indicate that unexpected changes are coming — so if you draw the Moon during a reading, it’s a good idea to get some help working through past issues before you have to face future ones.


The Sun

If this card comes up during a reading, things are looking good for you. The Sun represents hope, joy, optimism, and positive energy. 

Working on an important task? The Sun says, “you got this.” Need some warm rays of sunshine and happiness? It’s yours for the taking. It’s going to be a good day; embrace it.



This card marks the transition between renewal and rebirth. You may have devoted time and energy toward spiritual growth, healing, and self reflection, in an effort to become your best self. 

When the Judgment card appears, it signifies that all that hard work is about to pay off. A major life transition is coming, and the progress you have made will help see you through it. 


The World

Fittingly, the final card of the Major Arcana symbolizes completion, accomplishment, and success. Its appearance in your reading may indicate that you have just completed an important project or reached a significant milestone in a healthy relationship.

Seeing the World card might give you a feeling of contentment or satisfaction. Lean into that feeling; you’ve earned it.


Thanks for reading our series on the Major Arcana! If you want to get a Tarot reading for yourself, look online or ask a friend for a recommendation. 

Ask for references or sample readings, and choose a reader you feel a personal connection with. Take your time — it’s important to feel comfortable and safe in order to get the most accurate and helpful reading.

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